
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What causes the Indonesia-Malaysia relations so fragile? many Malaysian often underestimate the indonesian people..? agree with this?

shall not agree on this biased prejudice.
plainly said, insatiable crave in being a perky over what this country had showered them is a natural human traits. Also as the prevalent news on this deleterious topic, i may say that at certain point when the citizen prompted on this issues that been exxagerated in words by the tabloid newspaper, people that keen to look into this matter tend to refute on what the indonesians have done-leading to prejudice making a maxim stating ' the relationsip already turned fragile'

Actually, only the third-class people and some of the second class take this matters thoughtlessly and jumped into a conclusion saying-

'orang-orang indonesia lupa daratan!orang bagi madu depa balas tahi kura-kura!'-for the malays and for the indonesians ' tahi betul kamu semua wahai penduduk malaysia!! kamu layan anjing betina jenis chihuaha lebis bagus dari kamu layan orang-orang kami. persetan kamu!'

dissemination of such news is what makes the people being prejudice over our relationship, as i dare to say we're still good. try reading bbc news and see how some of the douches shit-talking about malaysia about our current politics, our ministry, and about economy stands. thats how the world revolved.

btw, indonesia is a large country, with multifarious indonesians resided in them, compared to malaysia. maybe what makes the news emerged and become somewhat like a trend of malevolency, is because the sound of one men that influential enough had make the others become timid to shout out their opinions over this matters.

just my 2cents, i do blunders.

1 comment:

  1. visit here frm Egypt~
